

Radishes are a hardy, quickly growing warm-season plant.

Time to harvest: 22-70 days

Radishes are one of the easiest and fastest vegetables to grow in your home garden. Some spring varieties of radishes can be harvested in just 22 days! While sometimes overlooked, radishes can be used in a variety of dishes. Let's put the rad back in radishes!


Radishes grow best in soil that is loose, loamy, and moist. The soil must be rich in nutrients, which can be achieved by spreading garden soil over the pre-existing soil. If planting in the summer, they should be planted 6 weeks before the first autumn frost. In Canada and the Northern U.S., it is recommended that you plant radish seeds 3 to 4 weeks before the last spring frost. Radishes do not like intense heat, so they should be planted in partially shaded areas.

When first planting, radishes should be planted 1 inch apart and the seeds be planted 0.25 inches deep into the soil. Rows of radishes should be spaced 1 to 1.5 feet apart.

Growth Guidelines

Pick out the weeds around the radishes carefully as to not damage the roots around them. Radishes grow quickly, so the plants need to be sowed and thinned quickly for maximum results.

Corn picture
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3


Pull the radishes out of the ground as soon as they are as big as a large marble, because they crack in the ground if they are left to mature for too long. Harvest when roots are one inch in diameter at the surface of the soil.


We've compiled a list of all the best equipment to grow your own radishes. Here are our top picks: