
Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers are a type of food that's traffic light coloured and tastes good.

Time to harvest: 60 to 80 days

Sweet bell peppers encompass all bell peppers that do not have capsaicin (this is where the heat comes from), which are red, green, yellow, and orange peppers.


If you plan to plant peppers indoors, the latest date to plant them is April 13. If you plan to plant them outside, the latest date to do so is June 8. In order to grow to their full potential, they need 6-8 hours of sunlight. The soil should be well-draining, which means that its consistency should be somewhere between sandy and loamy; organic matter such as compost should also be mixed into the soil before planting.

Growth Guidelines

Seeds should be planted about a quarter of an inch deep into the soil. Once average night temperatures reach ~16 degrees Celsius, the pepper plants should be transplanted outside at the same depth. Peppers need one to two inches of water per week, but in warmer climates they will need to be watered every day. Add extra fertilizer to the plants when the first fruits appear. If you find the stalks are bending, support them with a tomato cage.

Corn picture
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3


Peppers can be harvested once their desired colour or size has been attained.


We've compiled a list of all the best equipment to grow your own bell peppers. Here are our top picks: